You must be a registered user of to submit a new listing or update an existing one. If you are not already registered, please refer to our Account Setup Guide. Once you have an account, you will want to create a new listing or update one we may have created for you. Either way, first log into your account by clicking the Login button on the top bar and entering your credentials.
Your Listings
Once logged in, click the My Account link on the top blue bar and then click My Listings on the left. To create a new listing, click the Create Listing button at the bottom of the page. The summary will include the logo image, listing title, expiration date, listing type and date posted. You may also see a status if your listing is not currently active. The grey bar at the bottom of each listing summary will display the number of views and a toggle switch which allows you to pause or reactivate a paused listing. The action buttons on the right are for deleting, viewing, or editing each listing.
Clicking either the edit button or the “+Add New Listing” button on the menu bar will launch a listing form, which will either be empty if you are adding a new listing or populated with data from the listing you have selected to edit.
Choosing your Listing Category
Start creating/editing your listing by selecting or updating your Listing Type and Sub Listing Type, the category under which your listing will appear. If you qualify as a member, choose the Marketing & Sales Listing Type. Otherwise choose the Sponsor Listing Type. Then select the Sub Listing Type that best describes your company’s focus. You can choose a narrowly defined Sub Listing Type such as “Photography”, or one that covers a broader range of services such as “Marketing Services”. If you do not see a Sub Listing Type that matches your business focus, please feel free to contact us to suggest a new category. Currently each listing can only appear under one category, however once we make paid listings available, you will be able to add as many additional listings as necessary to cover all your company’s services.
Title and Description
Name your listing by completing the Title field. In most cases this will be the name of your company. When paid listings are available, you will be able to use your company name as the Title for multiple listings as they will be distinguished from one another by the category.
Use the Description field to briefly describe your company’s offering in the category highlighting what differentiates you from competitors. You may format this description however you choose including copying and pasting plain text or preformatted HTML from another source. The fully formatted version of your description will appear on your listing detail page. Note that the first few lines of text will also appear on your listing with standard formatting in the category pages and in both onsite and offsite (e.g. Google, Bing, Yahoo) search results, so carefully consider how your description begins.
Industry Focus
You may select up to three industry areas of focus to highlight where your company has the most experience. If you cannot find an industry in the dropdown that is an important area of focus for your business, please contact us with your suggestions for additions to the list.
Additional Information
The data fields in this section are used by other members and prospective customers to narrow down the list of companies they might be interested in working with. Complete the Additional Information fields as follows:
Services and Capabilities
These checkboxes allow you to further characterize your business, so other members and prospective customers can more easily find companies that meet their criteria. Many of these selections will require you to provide evidence of the qualification:
Tags provide another means for you to highlight your company’s capabilities. You may add as many tags as you would like, separated by commas. However, we recommend that you limit the tags to only your most important features or capabilities that buyers might search for. You may include tags to indicate that you provide services in other categories, but such tags will not make your listings appear under those other categories.
Location and Address
Please select a location and region where your primary US or Canadian office is located. The regions in each of these two countries include the following states, provinces, or territories:
United States
Northeast: Connecticut, District of Columbia, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont
Southeast: Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia
Midwest: Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Wisconsin
South Central: Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Texas
Rocky Mountain: Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming
West Coast: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Washington
Atlantic: New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island
Central: Ontario, Quebec
Prairie: Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan
West Coast: British Columbia
North: Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Yukon Territory
Then input your city and state, or complete office address to enable the map function to find your location’s geographic coordinates. Excluding suite/floor number will enable automatic lookup. You can add back suite/floor number after your address is located, or you can find your longitude and latitude coordinates by searching for your address on and entering them below the map.
You may upload a Header Image which will appear at the top of your listing detail page. We recommend that your Header Image be 2,000px wide by 485px high to fill the entire width of larger desktop screens. You can find free high-resolution images on websites like,, and The Header Image will be cropped from both sides to fit smaller screens. If you do not upload a Header Image, the background at the top of your listing detail page will be an expanded version of the image provided in the Image Upload section just below.
You must provide either a company logo or headshot image for the Image Upload section. This image should be 440px wide by 330px high and will be displayed when your listing appears with others in search and category results. If your image is not easily cropped to 440px wide, you can center it horizontally on a white background.
Message and Listing Packages
When submitting your listing, you may include a short message including any questions to the “reviewer”, or the person at the Trusted Referral Network who will be verifying your listing.
Finally, please select a listing package. We are currently only providing a free 6-Month Trial which expires 183 days from the date the listing was posted. Upon expiration, you will be able to renew your trial if you are an active member/sponsor in good standing or convert to a paid listing as described on our package pricing page.
Finally, don’t forget to read the Terms of Use, and check the box to confirm that you have read and agree to those terms.
Then hit the SUBMIT button to send your listing in for verification.